1. “Impact tests on Fibrous Composite Sandwich Structures,” NASA TM-78755 (1978).
2. and “Effect of Impact Damage on the Compression Strength of Filamentary-Composite Hat-Stiffened Panels,” Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 23, 300 (1978).
3. and “The Effect of Impact Damage and Circular Holes on the Compression Strength of a Graphite-Epoxy Laminate,” NASA TM-78796 (1978).
4. and “Elastic Buckling Analysis for Composite Stiffened Panels and Other Structures Subject to Biaxial Inplane Loads,” NASA CR-2216 (1973).
5. and “Holographic and ultrasonic Detection of Bound Flaws in Aluminum Panels Reinforced with Born-Epoxy,” NASA TN D-7632 (1974).