1. First Occurrence of Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs
2. S.Antoniuk A.Dudek Chr.Reiher A.Ruciński andM.Schacht. More on powers of Hamiltonian cycles in randomly augmented graphs (in preparation).
3. W.Bedenknecht J.Han Y.Kohayakawa andG.O.Mota. Powers of tight Hamilton cycles in randomly perturbed hypergraphs Random Structures Algorithms. available athttp://arxiv.org/abs/1802.04603(submitted for publication).
4. J.Böttcher R.Montgomery O.Parczyk andY.Person. Embedding spanning bounded degree graphs in randomly perturbed graphs available athttp://arxiv.org/abs/1802.04603(submitted for publication).
5. How many random edges make a dense graph hamiltonian?