1. Pliny the Elder, Nat. Historiae, circa 77AD, Book XXXIV, 20.
2. J. M. Capus, Met. Powders: A Global Survey of Production, Appl. and Markets, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF), 3rd edition, 2000.
3. A. O. Nilsson, Substitution of Rechargeable NiCd Batteries: A background Document to Evaluate the Possibilities of Finding Alternatives to NiCd Batteries', http://www.rechargebatteries.org/07_NilssonSubstitution.pdf
4. M. A. Meller, Produit Métall. pour l'obtention d'objets Laminés, Moulés ou Autres, et Proc. Pour sa Fabrication, 1925, French Patent 615.147.
5. On the Road Again: Metal Foams Find Favor