1. Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, University of Cologne Kerpener Str. 62 50937 Köln Germany
2. Max‐Planck‐Institute for Biology of Ageing and CECAD Cologne Germany
3. Evelina Children's Hospital, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust London UK
4. Section on Molecular Signal Transduction, Program for Developmental Neuroscience, Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD National Institutes of Health Bethesda Maryland USA
5. Medical Genetics Unit Saint Joseph University Beirut Lebanon
6. Department of Genetics Hotel Dieu de France Medical Center Beirut Lebanon
7. Department of Pediatrics Zabol University of Medical Sciences Zabol Iran
8. Molecular and Clinical Sciences Institute St. George's, University of London Cranmer Terrace London UK
9. Department of Medical Genetics Next Generation Genetic Polyclinic Mashhad Iran
10. Department of Pediatric Neurology, Faculty of Medicine Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Mashhad Iran
11. CENTOGENE GmbH Rostock Germany
12. CNRS, INSERM, Institut du Cerveau (ICM) Sorbonne Université Paris 75013 France
13. DMU Neurosciences Hôpital de la Pitié‐Salpêtrière, Assistance Publique‐Hôpitaux de Paris Paris 75013 France
14. Department of Radiology, Diagnostic Medicine Institute Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute, Genomic Medicine Institute, Geisinger Danville Pennsylvania USA
15. Department of Neuromuscular Diseases UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Queen Square London UK