1. ‘The performance of the Caltech hypercube in scientific calculations: a preliminary analysis’, in and (eds), Super Computers—Algorithms, Architectures and Scientific Computation, University of Texas Press, 1987.
2. and , ‘The Caltech Concurrent Computation Program annual report 1986-1987’, Annual Report C3P-487, California Institute of Technology, November 1987.
3. ‘What have we learnt from using real parallel machines to solve real problems?’, in (ed.), The Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Volume 2, ACM Press, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, January 1988, pp. 897–955.
4. and , ‘Report for 1988 on the Caltech Concurrent Computation Program’, Annual Report C3P-685, California Institute of Technology, December 1988.
5. , , , , , , , , and , ‘Benchmarking advanced architecture computers’, Technical Report C3P-712, California Institute of Technology, February 1989. To be published in Concurrency: Practice and Experience.