1. Department of Atmospheric Sciences Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo São Paulo Brazil
2. Earth System Numerical Modeling Division National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Cachoeira Paulista Brazil
3. Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola Universidade Federal de Viçosa Minas Gerais Brazil
AbstractDuring the Last Glacial Maximum (approximately 21 ka BP) the presence of large ice sheets over the Northern Hemisphere (NH) caused significant changes in the ocean–atmosphere interaction. Remarkable changes are noticed in NH both topography and atmospheric CO2 levels. This paper investigates the impact of the most recent paleotopography (ICE6G) in the Earth's climate and the oceanic carbonate system, based on a series of experiments conducted with the oceanic‐atmosphere‐vegetation‐ice‐carbon model, UVic ESCM. Results indicate enhanced cooling in northern North America in the ICE6G compared to the ICE4G simulation due to the lapse rate effect. The decrease of −24°C in the surface temperature in the ICE6G relative to the present day (PD) led to a modification of the atmospheric circulation in the Atlantic and North Pacific regions. Positive and negative anomalies vary widely for the E–P (evaporation–precipitation) flux pattern, but colder and drier atmosphere leads to a reduction in precipitation in the ICE6G experiment. Changes in wind stress between ICE6G and PD induce low temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. These features are related changes of Ekman's transport and evaporative cooling resulting in positive anomalies of SST. Thus, changes in sea surface temperature and salinity (SST, SSS), and E–P flux led to modifications in the oceanic carbonate system, resulting in an overall increase of total alkalinity and a reduction in the concentrations of total carbon dioxide (TCO2) in the ICE6G with respect to the PD values. This is a consequence of the low concentration of glacial CO2 and increment in concentrations. The total alkalinity (TA) and TCO2 do not show a similar response to the SST and SSS, in the sense that larger departures from the PD are found in the Pacific equatorial region, which are affected by changes in water dilution as a result of precipitation and evaporation processes.
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