Highly Efficient Photoanodic Material: Utilizing Dihydrolipoic Acid‐Functionalized CuInS2 Quantum Dots in Photoelectrochemical Cells


Morselli Giacomo1,Bellatreccia Caterina1,Mazzanti Michele2,Cristino Vito2,Ianniello Anna2,Caramori Stefano2,Mazzaro Raffaello34,Ceroni Paola1ORCID


1. Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician” University of Bologna via Selmi 2 Bologna 40126 Italy

2. Department of Chemical Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences University of Ferrara via Borsari 46 Ferrara 44121 Italy

3. Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Bologna viale Berti Pichat 6/2 Bologna 40127 Italy

4. Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems National Research Council via Gobetti 101 Bologna 40129 Italy


AbstractCopper indium sulfide quantum dots (CIS QDs) possess the desired optical properties to act as photoanodic material in photoelectrochemical cells, like a high molar absorption coefficient over the entire visible spectrum and long exciton lifetimes. The already reported procedures that utilize photoanodes based on such nanoparticles, however, exploit harsh conditions or utilize non‐scalable, expensive, and low‐yield syntheses. Here, the construction of CIS QDs adsorbed onto TiO2/FTO photoanodes (FTO = fluorine‐doped tin oxide) with a process aimed at avoiding these issues is proposed. In particular, the employment of dihydrolipoic acid as the ligand allows an easy and cost‐effective functionalization. CdS layers are deposited onto the nanoparticles to enhance the photoelectrochemical properties. Full characterization of the steady–state and transient photoelectrochemical properties of the electrodes is performed to gain information on the interfacial dynamics among the different components of the electrode. Maximum IPCEs of the order of 50% and a spectral sensitization extended up to 700 nm are obtained in the optimized conditions.


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme



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