1. Department of Global HIV Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programmes World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland
2. Research Department Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Washington DC USA
3. Seconded National Expert Translational Sciences Office Scientific Evidence Generation Department European Medicines Agency Amsterdam The Netherlands
4. EUROmediCAT Institute for Nursing and Health Research Ulster University Jordanstown United Kingdom
5. Centre d'Epidémiologie et Recherche en Santé des POPulations (CERPOP) Inserm, Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier Toulouse France
6. 4M Network of Mentor Mothers London UK
7. Division of Pediatrics and Maternal Health US Food and Drug Administration Silver Spring Maryland USA
8. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston Massachusetts USA
9. Department of Paediatrics and Child Health Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Stellenbosch University Worcester South Africa
10. Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health University College London London UK
11. HIV Programmes and Advocacy Department International AIDS Society Geneva Switzerland