Synthesis of carboxymethyl cellulose from coconut fibers and its application as solid polymer electrolyte membranes


Ndruru Sun Theo Constan Lotebulo1ORCID,Syamsaizar Aziz Daka2,Hermanto Sandra2ORCID,Sitanggang Boy Chandra3ORCID,Tawa Bibiana Dho4ORCID,Kareem Aseel Ameer5ORCID,Hayati Atika Trisna1,Ramadhoni Benni F.1ORCID,Sofyan Muhammad Ihsan1ORCID,Annas Dicky1ORCID,Prasetyo Joni1ORCID,Marlina Anita1ORCID,Sabrina Qolby6ORCID,Yulianti Evi6ORCID,Sudaryanto 6ORCID,Wahyuningrum Deana7ORCID,Arcana I Made4ORCID


1. Research Center for Chemistry Research Organization for Nanotechnology and Materials (RONM), National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (NRIA) Tangerang Selatan Banten Indonesia

2. Chemistry Department Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Tangerang Selatan Banten Indonesia

3. Prodi Analisis Kimia Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng Bantaeng Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia

4. Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia

5. Department of Physics, College of Science University of Baghdad Baghdad Iraq

6. Research Center Advanced Materials Research Organization for Nanotechnology and Materials (RONM) National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (NRIA) Tangerang Selatan Banten Indonesia

7. Organic Chemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia


AbstractCarboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is one of the important cellulose derivatives, and it can be developed as a host polymer for solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) membrane. This study aimed to synthesis of CMC from coconut fiber cellulose and it was applied to prepare the SPE membranes. Cellulose isolation was conducted through the delignification and bleaching process, while the CMC synthesis was conducted through alkalization and carboxymethylation treatments. SPE membranes were prepared by blending CMC with carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCh) (80/20) and mixed with various weight percentages of LiOAc at room temperature. SPE membranes characterizations were conducted using FTIR, EIS, XRD, SEM, and tensile testing. Cellulose and CMC yields were 23.1% and 65.44%, respectively. Incorporating 20 wt% LiOAc into the CMC/CMCh (80/20) SPE membrane yielded the highest ionic conductivity of 1.37 × 10−3 S/cm. Based on the results, CMC obtained from coconut fibers has the potential to produce solid polymer electrolyte membranes with some modification.


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