1. French-Italian Interdepartmental Laboratory of Peptide and Protein Chemistry and Biology - PeptLab; Florence Italy and Cergy-Pontoise France
2. Department NeuroFarBa, Section of Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Sciences; University of Florence; Via Ugo Schiff 6, Sesto Fiorentino Florence I-50019 Italy
3. Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique EA4505; University of Cergy-Pontoise; 5 mail Gay-Lussac Neuville-sur-Oise Cergy-Pontoise 95000 France
4. Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”; University of Florence; Via della Lastruccia 3/13, Sesto Fiorentino Florence I-50019 Italy
5. Department of Immunology; The Weizmann Institute of Science; Rehovot 76100 Israel