1. Department of Electrical‐Electronics Engineering Erzincan Binali Yildirim University Erzincan Turkey
2. Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering Bitlis Eren University Bitlis Turkey
AbstractIn this paper, a new active snubber cell for DC‐DC boost converters is introduced for the purpose of soft switching. The introduced snubber cell ensures lossless turning‐on by zero‐voltage transition (ZVT) and turning‐off by zero‐voltage switching (ZVS) of the main switch. Besides, it enables turning‐on by ZVS and turning‐off by zero current switching (ZCS) of the main diode. None of the semiconductor power devices are subjected to extra voltage stress, and all of them operate by soft switching (SS). The converter can successfully maintain the SS even under light loads. Furthermore, the proposed converter structure is advantageous in terms of simplicity and low cost. The operating modes and theoretical analysis of the introduced converter are presented and it is validated using a prototype with a 500 W output power and at the 100 kHz switching frequency. Owing to the proposed active snubber cell, the converter efficiency is achieved as 97.2%.