1. Biomechanics and Biomaterials LaboratoryDepartment of Applied MechanicsSchool of Aerospace EngineeringBeijing Institute of Technology Beijing 100081 P. R. China
2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Cryo‐Biomedical EngineeringCAS Key Laboratory of CryogenicsTechnical Institute of Physics and ChemistryChinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 P. R. China
3. School of AstronauticsShenYuan Honors CollegeBeihang University Beijing 100191 P. R. China
4. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Smart SensingGeneral Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals Beijing 100088 P. R. China
5. Department of Biomedical EngineeringSchool of MedicineTsinghua University Beijing 100084 China