1. Documentary and artistic evidence for conjoined twins from Sixteenth Century England
2. Anon. 1552. Thou shalte understande, Chrysten Reader, that the thyrde daye of August last past, Anno. M.CCCCCLII … in a towne called Myddleton stonye … at the In, called the Sygne of the Egle, there the good wyfe of the same, was deliuered of thys double Chylde, begotten of her late housbande John Kenner. London.
3. Anon. 1576. The discription and figure of a monstruous childe borne at Taunton the viij of November 1576. London: Hugh Jackson.
4. Anon. 1580. A true report of a straung and monsterous Child, born at Aberwick, in the parish of Eglingham, in the county of Northumberland, this fifth of January. London: Thomas Gosson.
5. Birth defects described in Elizabethan ballads