Insights from experiences comanaging woody invasive alien plants in Argentina


Powell Priscila Ana12ORCID,García‐Díaz Pablo3ORCID,Fernández Cánepa Gloria4,Grau Alfredo12,Herrera Lorena5,Nuñez Cecilia67,Quiroga María Paula8,Quiroga Pablo Adrián9,Rojas Tobías Nicolás1ORCID,Ruiz de Huidobro Nahuel10,Speziale Karina L.8ORCID,Vidal‐Russell Romina8,Zaninovich Silvia11,Montti Lía512ORCID


1. Instituto de Ecología Regional, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán‐CONICET Tucumán Argentina

2. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e IML Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Tucumán Argentina

3. School of Biological Sciences University of Aberdeen Aberdeen UK

4. Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi Administración de Parques Nacionales San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina

5. Grupo de Estudio de Agroecosistemas y Paisajes Rurales, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CONICET Buenos Aires Argentina

6. Dirección Regional Patagonia Norte (DRPN), Administración de Parques Nacionales (APN) Bariloche Argentina

7. Dpto Botánica Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche Universidad Nacional del Comahue Negro Argentina

8. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente (INIBIOMA) Universidad Nacional del Comahue‐CONICET Bariloche Argentina

9. Jardín Botánico Horco Molle, FCN Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Tucumán Argentina

10. Instituto de Tecnología Agro Industrial del Noroeste Argentino (CONICET) Tucumán Argentina

11. Paititi Prívate Natural Reserve Buenos Aires Argentina

12. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) e Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario (IGCyC), FCEyN Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata‐CIC Mar del Plata Argentina


Abstract The complexities of invasive alien species (IAS) management call for a close collaboration among stakeholders to codevelop and comanage actions to deliver effective solutions. To achieve this vision, iterative codesign and co‐implementation of solutions is imperative. Based on a rapid Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis (SWOT), we synthesised the positive and negative aspects of comanagement experiences for woody IAS management in Argentina. We included four case studies in protected areas: (i) Ligustrum lucidum in a periurban mountain forest; (ii) Rubus asp ulmifolius in a subtropical forest; (iii) Acacia melanoxylon in a temperate grassland; and (iv) Hedera helix in a temperate forest. Universities, research institutes and protected areas led these management projects under varying economic, social and ecological objectives, and constrained by the availability of resources. However, these heterogeneous realities did not translate into significant differences in our comanagement experiences. We identified personal motivations and pre‐existing funding for IAS management as key strengths for management actions. A relevant weakness was the ongoing undervaluation of applied research and stakeholder engagement in the Argentinian scientific system, resulting in a scarcity of research to inform management actions and a low interest in codesigning activities. Threats were related to the paucity of awareness and information on IAS management, and the lack of long‐term funding. Nevertheless, recent national‐level policies, such as the National Strategy for Exotic Invasive Species, together with the Forest Law for managing native forests and the mandate for the National Parks Administration to manage IAS, provide a unique opportunity to foster comanagement activities. We recommend the development and promotion of spaces to share experiences and establish conversations among stakeholders. This should be complemented by a better alignment of disparate public policies driving IAS management in Argentina, and increased financial assistance to support local initiatives and reduce uncertainty in long‐term funding.


Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Natural Environment Research Council




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology,Global and Planetary Change

Reference34 articles.

1. Administración de Parques Nacionales (APN). (2007).Lineamientos estratégicos para el manejo de especies exóticas en la APN.

2. Rapid ‘SWOT’ Diagnosis Method for Conservation Areas

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