1. Ecoclimatology, TUM School of Life Sciences Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 D‐85354 Freising Germany
2. Bavarian State Institute of Forestry (LWF) Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 1 D‐85354 Freising Germany
3. Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering University of Tento I‐38122 Trento Italy
4. Wildlife Biology and Management Unit, TUM School of Life Sciences Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 D‐85354 Freising Germany
5. Institute for Advanced Study Technical University of Munich Lichtenbergstraße 2a D‐85748 Garching Germany