1. YLE 2008 Widespread Disturbance in Elisa's GSM Network Fixed http://yle.fi/news/id90683.html
2. The Local 2008 Telia Customers Lose Network Coverage http://www.thelocal.se/11828/
3. Helsingin Sanomat 2008 Lengthy Blackout Stalls Tuesday Share Trading Across Nordic Region http://www.hs.fi/english/article/Lengthy+blackout+stalls+Tuesday+share+trading+across+Nordic+region+/1135236901403
4. BBC 2011 Amazon Apologises for Cloud Fault One Week on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13242782
5. Amazon Web Services 2011 Summary of the Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS Service Disruption in the US East Region http://aws.amazon.com/message/65648/