1. Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts 2012 www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
2. Common Core State Standards Initiative 2010 www.corestandards.org
3. Dalton , B. Smith , B.E 2012 It sounds all dramatic like in a movie”: Two African American males collaboratively design their multimodal story in a digital writers' workshop
4. Graham , S. Hebert , M 2010 Writing to read: Evidence for how writing can improve reading Washington, DC Alliance for Excellent Education www.all4ed.org/files/WritingToRead.pdf
5. Graham , S. Perin , D 2007 Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools Washington, DC Alliance for Excellent Education www.all4ed.org/files/WritingNext.pdf