1. (a) in Comprehensive Organic Synthesis (Eds.: ); Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Seoul, Tokyo 1991, Bd. 2 [speziell S. 893-951( ?Use of Preformed Iminium Salts?)]. -
2. (b) in Iminium Salts in Organic Chemistry, Part 1 [Advances in Organic Chemistry (Eds.: ; Series Ed.: )], John Wiley & Sons, New York, London, Sydney, Toronto 1976, S. 107-150:
3. ?Preparation of Methyleniminium Salts?, S. 154-206: ?Reactions of Methyleniminium Salts?. -
4. (c) in Enamines (Ed.: ), Academic Press, New York 1988 (speziell S. 271-339). -
5. Further advances in the chemistry of mannich bases