1. For a review of stereocontrolled multihapto electrophilic π complexes, see: in Handbook of Functionalised Organometallics (Ed.: , Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005 , pp. 569–626. The tricarbonyl(η5-cyclohexadienyl)iron series is one of the most widely applied of this series of electrophiles, that span the hapticity range η2–η7.
2. For a survey of organoiron complexes, see: “Organometallic Complexes of Iron” in “Science of Synthesis”, Houben-Weyl Methods of Molecular Transformations, vol. 1 (Ed.: , Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2001 , pp. 745–886.
3. Tricarbonyl(diene)iron complexes: synthetically useful properties
4. Multiple Stereocontrol Using Organometallic Complexes. Applications in Organic Synthesis and Consideration of Future Prospects
5. Iron-Mediated Synthesis of Heterocyclic Ring Systems and Applications in Alkaloid Chemistry