1. Department of Nursing National Cancer Center Hospital Tokyo Japan
2. Department of Palliative Nursing, Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Sendai Japan
3. Department of Palliative Care St. Luke's International Hospital Tokyo Japan
4. Department of Palliative Care Senri‐Chuo Hospital Toyonaka Japan
5. Department of Palliative Medicine National Cancer Center Hospital East Kashiwa Japan
6. Department of Palliative Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Sendai Japan
7. Department of Nursing St. Luke's International Hospital Tokyo Japan
8. Division of Health Care Research Center for Public Health Sciences National Cancer Center Japan Tokyo Japan
9. Division of Palliative and Supportive Care Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital Hamamatsu Japan
10. Department of Palliative Medicine Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine Kobe Japan
11. Department of Human Health Sciences Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto Japan
12. Department of Palliative Medicine Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital Tsukuba Japan