Balancing graph Voronoi diagrams with one more vertex


Ducoffe Guillaume12ORCID


1. Software and Complex Systems Engineering, National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics Bucharest Romania

2. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest Bucharest Romania


AbstractLet be a graph with unit‐length edges and nonnegative costs assigned to its vertices. Given a list of pairwise different vertices , the prioritized Voronoi diagram of with respect to is the partition of in subsets so that, for every with , a vertex is in if and only if is a closest vertex to in and there is no closest vertex to in within the subset . For every with , the load of vertex equals the sum of the costs of all vertices in . The load of equals the maximum load of a vertex in . We study the problem of adding one more vertex at the end of in order to minimize the load. This problem occurs in the context of optimally locating a new service facility (e.g., a school or a hospital) while taking into account already existing facilities, and with the goal of minimizing the maximum congestion at a site. There is a brute‐force algorithm for solving this problem in time on ‐vertex ‐edge graphs. We prove a matching time lower bound–up to sub‐polynomial factors–for the special case where and , assuming the so called Hitting Set Conjecture of Abboud et al. On the positive side, we present simple linear‐time algorithms for this problem on cliques, paths and cycles, and almost linear‐time algorithms for trees, proper interval graphs and (assuming to be a constant) bounded‐treewidth graphs.


Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii




Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems,Software

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