1. Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Cu, Organocupper Compounds, Part 3, 8th ed., Springer, Berlin, 1986.
2. in Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, Vol. 2 (Eds.: ), Pergamon, New York, 1982, p. 709 ff., and references therein.
3. Synthese und Struktur eines dimeren Lithiumdiphenylcuprats: [{Li(OEt2)}(CuPh2)]2
4. Synthesis and Structure of a Dimeric Lithium Diphenylcuprate:[{Li(OEt)2}(CuPh2)]2
5. (a) Abstr. Am. Cryst. Assoc. Meeting, Bowman, MT USA, 1964, 96;