1. The Joint Commission. Preventing unintended retained foreign objects.Sentinel Event Alert. October 17 2013;(51).https://www.jointcommission.org/‐/media/tjc/documents/resources/patient‐safety‐topics/sentinel‐event/sea_51_urfos_10_17_13_final.pdf. Accessed June 28 2022.
2. AppendixE: AORN Evidence Rating Model. In:Guidelines for Perioperative Practice. Denver CO: AORN Inc; 2022:xxi.
3. Unintentionally Retained Foreign Objects: A Descriptive Study of 308 Sentinel Events and Contributing Factors
4. Revised statement on the prevention of unintentionally retained surgical items after surgery;American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Perioperative Care;Bull Am Coll Surg.,2016