Dynamical Equilibrium between Brønsted and Lewis Sites in Zeolites: Framework‐Associated Octahedral Aluminum


Jin Mengting12,Ravi Manoj34ORCID,Lei Chen1ORCID,Heard Christopher J.1ORCID,Brivio Federico15ORCID,Tošner Zdeněk1ORCID,Grajciar Lukáš1ORCID,van Bokhoven Jeroen A.36,Nachtigall Petr1ORCID


1. Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry Charles University Hlavova 8 12843 Prague 2 Czech Republic

2. Current address: Department of Physics Yuxi Normal University Yuxi 653100 China

3. Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences ETH Zurich 8093 Zurich Switzerland

4. Current address: School of Chemical and Process Engineering University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK

5. Current address: Department of Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100 Israel

6. Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry Paul Scherrer Institute 8092 Villigen Switzerland


AbstractWhile the structures of Brønsted acid sites (BAS) in zeolites are well understood, those of Lewis acid sites (LAS) remain an active area of investigation. Under hydrated conditions, the reversible formation of framework‐associated octahedral aluminum has been observed in zeolites in the acidic form. However, the structure and formation mechanisms are currently unknown. In this work, combined experimental 27Al NMR spectroscopy and computational data reveal for the first time the details of the zeolite framework‐associated octahedral aluminium. The octahedral LAS site becomes kinetically allowed and thermodynamically stable under wet conditions in the presence of multiple nearby BAS sites. The critical condition for the existence of such octahedral LAS appears to be the availability of three protons: at lower proton concentration, either by increasing the Si/Al or by ion‐exchange to non‐acidic form, the tetrahedral BAS becomes thermodynamically more stable. This work resolves the question about the nature and reversibility of framework‐associated octahedral aluminium in zeolites.


Grantová Agentura České Republiky

Univerzita Karlova v Praze

Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich




General Medicine

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