1. Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials InnovationS (SIEMIS) Soochow University Suzhou 215006 China
2. SynCat@Beijing Synfuels China Technology Co. Ltd. Leyuan South Street II, No.1, Yanqi Economic Development Zone C# Beijing 101407 China
3. State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS Taiyuan 030001 China
4. Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center Aarhus University Gustav Wieds Vej 14 8000 Aarhus Denmark
5. Syngaschem BV Valeriaanlaan 16 5672 XD Nuenen The Netherlands
6. Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Trieste Via Giorgeri 1 34127 Trieste Italy
7. Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials Laboratory (FUNSOM) Soochow University Suzhou 215123 China