1. Institute of Nanotechnology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Hermann-von-Helmholtz Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Germany
2. Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK-13) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Wilhelm-Johnen-Str. 52428 Jülich Germany
3. Chair of Theory and Computation of Energy Materials Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering RWTH Aachen University 52062 Aachen Germany
4. Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) for Electrochemical Energy Storage Helmholtzstr. 11 89081 Ulm Germany
5. Current address: Corporate Research and Development, Umicore Watertorenstraat 33 2250 Olen Belgium
6. Jülich Aachen Research Alliance JARA Energy & Center for Simulation and Data Science (CSD) 52425 Jülich Germany
7. School of Chemical Biological and Materials Engineering The University of Oklahoma Norman OK, 73019 USA
8. Current address: School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Power Batteries Nanjing Normal University Nanjing 210023 China