1. Innovation Center of NanoMedicine Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion 3-25-14, Tonomachi, Kawasaki-ku 210-0821 Kawasaki Japan
2. Present Adresses: S. A. Center for Nanomedicine at the Wilmer Eye Institute Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 21231 Baltimore MD USA
3. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) Leiden University Einsteinweg 55 2333 CC Leiden The Netherlands
4. Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering Kyushu University 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku 819-0395 Fukuoka Japan
5. Department of Medical Chemistry, Graduate School of Medical Science Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 606-0823 Kyoto Japan
6. Department of Advanced Nanomedical Engineering Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) 113-8510 Tokyo Japan