1. CBMN (UMR 5248) Univ. Bordeaux CNRS Bordeaux INP 2 rue Robert Escarpit 33600 Pessac France
2. Department of Chemical Technology of Drugs Poznan University of Medical Sciences Grunwaldzka 6 60-780 Poznan Poland
3. ISM (UMR 5255) Univ. Bordeaux CNRS 351, Cours de la Libération 33405 Talence France
4. LCPO (UMR 5629) Bordeaux INP CNRS 16, Av. Pey-Berland 33600 Pessac France
5. CRPP (UMR 5031) Univ. Bordeaux CNRS 115 Avenue du Dr Albert Schweitzer 33600 Pessac France
6. Department of Pharmacy Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Butenandstraße 5–13 81377 Munich Germany
7. Cluster of Excellence e-conversion 85748 Garching Germany