1. School of Chemistry Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 695551 India
2. Department of Chemistry Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600036 India
3. Centre for Atomistic Modelling and Materials Design and Centre for Molecular Materials and Functions Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600036 India
AbstractWe report the topochemical syntheses of three polyarylopeptides, wherein triazolylphenyl group is integrated into the backbone of peptide chains. We synthesized three different monomers having azide and arylacetylene as end‐groups from glycine, L‐alanine and L‐valine. We crystallized these monomers and the crystal structures of two of them were determined by single‐crystal X‐ray diffractometry. Due to the steric constraints, both of these monomers crystallized with two molecules, viz. conformers A and B, in the asymmetric unit. Consistently, in both cases, the A‐conformers are antiparallelly π‐stacked and B‐conformers are parallelly slip‐stacked, exploiting weak interactions. Though the arrangements of molecules in the pristine crystals were unsuitable for topochemical reaction, upon heating, they undergo large motion inside the crystal lattice to reach a transient reactive orientation and thereby the self‐sorted conformer stacks react to give a blend of triazole‐linked polyarylopeptides having two different linkages. Due to the large molecular motion inside crystals, the product phase loses its crystallinity.
Science and Engineering Research Board