Risk, protective, and biomarkers of dementia in Indigenous peoples: A systematic review


Nguyen Huong X. T.12ORCID,Bradley Kate1,McNamara Bridgette J.34,Watson Rosie12,Malay Roslyn5,LoGiudice Dina1


1. Department of Medicine Royal Melbourne Hospital Melbourne Victoria Australia

2. Department of Population Health and Immunity Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Melbourne Victoria Australia

3. Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics University of Melbourne Victoria Australia

4. Barwon South‐West Public Health Unit Barwon Health Geelong Victoria Australia

5. Western Australian Centre for Health and Ageing University of Western Australia Perth WA Australia


AbstractINTRODUCTIONDementia is an emergent health priority for Indigenous peoples worldwide, yet little is known about disease drivers and protective factors.METHODSDatabase searches were conducted in March 2022 to identify original publications on risk, protective, genetic, neuroradiological, and biological factors related to dementia and cognitive impairment involving Indigenous peoples.RESULTSModifiable risk factors featured across multiple studies include childhood adversity, hearing loss, low education attainment, unskilled work history, stroke, head injury, epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, depression, low BMI, poor mobility, and continence issues. Non‐modifiable risk factors included increasing age, sex, and genetic polymorphisms. Education, ex‐smoking, physical and social activity, and engagement with cultural or religious practices were highlighted as potential protective factors. There is a paucity of research on dementia biomarkers involving Indigenous peoples.DISCUSSIONGreater understanding of modifiable factors and biomarkers of dementia can assist in strength‐based models to promote healthy ageing and cognition for Indigenous peoples.


National Health and Medical Research Council




Psychiatry and Mental health,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Geriatrics and Gerontology,Neurology (clinical),Developmental Neuroscience,Health Policy,Epidemiology

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