Comparative assessment of five trials of universal HIV testing and treatment in sub-Saharan Africa


Perriat Delphine123ORCID,Balzer Laura45ORCID,Hayes Richard6,Lockman Shahin789,Walsh Fiona10,Ayles Helen1112,Floyd Sian6,Havlir Diane4,Kamya Moses13,Lebelonyane Refeletswe14,Mills Lisa A15,Okello Velephi16,Petersen Maya17,Pillay Deenan318,Sabapathy Kalpana6ORCID,Wirth Kathleen18,Orne-Gliemann Joanna123,Dabis François123ORCID,


1. Inserm, Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, UMR 1219; University Bordeaux; Bordeaux France

2. Inserm, ISPED; Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, UMR 1219; Bordeaux France

3. Africa Health Research Institute; Somkhele KwaZulu-Natal South Africa (ANRS TasP trial)

4. University of California San Francisco; San Francisco CA USA (SEARCH trial)

5. University of Massachusetts Amherst; Amherst MA USA

6. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; London United Kingdom (PopART trial)

7. Harvard School of Public Health; Boston MA USA (BCPP trial)

8. Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership; Gaborone Botswana (BCPP trial)

9. Brigham and Women's Hospital; Boston MA USA (BCPP trial)

10. Clinton Health Access Initiative; Boston MA USA (MaxART trial)

11. Department of Clinical Research; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; London United Kingdom (PopART trial)

12. Zambart; Lusaka Zambia

13. Makerere University School of Medicine; Uganda (SEARCH trial)

14. Ministry of Health, Republic of Botswana; Gaborone Botswana (BCPP)

15. Centers for Disease Control; Gaborone Botswana (BCPP trial)

16. Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Swaziland; Mbabane Swaziland (MaxART trial)

17. University of California Berkeley School of Public Health; Berkeley CA USA (SEARCH trial)

18. Department of Infection; University College London; London United Kingdom (ANRS TasP trial)


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Dutch Postcode Lottery

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mozambique

British Colombia Centre of Excellence in Canada


Doctors Without Borders

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

National Institutes of Health

National Institute of Mental Health

Ministries of Health of Uganda and Kenya

World Health Organization


World Bank Group

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Infectious Diseases Research Collaboration (IDRC)

Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)

Gilead Sciences

French National Institute of Health

Medical Research-French National Agency for AIDS

Viral Hepatitis Research (Inserm−ANRS)

Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida et les Hépatites Virales

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3iE)





Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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