A neuroanatomy lab practical exam format in alignment with the universal design for learning framework


Kimpo Rhea R.1ORCID,Puder Barb12


1. Department of Basic Sciences, College of Health Sciences Samuel Merritt University Oakland California USA

2. Department of Foundational Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine Touro University, California Vallejo California USA


AbstractThe traditional format for neuroanatomy lab practical exams involves stations with a time limit for each station and inability to revisit stations. Timed exams have been associated with anxiety, which can lead to poor performance. In alignment with the universal design for learning (UDL), Timed Image Question and Untimed Image Question exam formats were designed to determine which format supports student success, especially for those who performed poorly in the traditional format. Only the Untimed Image Question format allowed students to revisit questions. All three formats were administered in a randomized order within a course for three cohorts of medical students. When all students' scores were analyzed together, the type of format had no effect. However, when analyses were conducted only on students who performed poorly in the traditional format, the type of format had an effect. These students increased their score, on average, by at least one grade level in the Untimed Image Question format compared to the traditional format. Students who performed well in the traditional format maintained their A, on average, in the two new formats. More students indicated Untimed Image Question as their most preferred format after experiencing all three formats. Most students associated the inability to revisit questions with high levels of anxiety. A neuroanatomy lab exam format was therefore identified as consistent with the UDL framework such that all students, regardless of test anxiety levels, can equally demonstrate what they learned. This format allowed for unlimited time per question and ability to revisit questions.




Embryology,General Medicine,Histology,Anatomy








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