1. Seasonal Abundance of the Mosquito Destroying Top-Minnow, Gambusia Affinis, Especially in Relation to Male Frequency
2. 1921 Relation of certain aquatic plants to oxygen supply and to capacity of small ponds to support the top-minnow (Gambusia affinis). Proceedings, American Fisheries Society, vol. 50, March. Washington.
3. 1917 Notes on the life history of the minnows, Gambusia affinis and Cyprinodon variegatus. Appendix VI, Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries for (1917). Document no. 857. Washington.
4. 1913 Notes on the habits, morphology of the reproductive organs, and embryology of the viviparous fish, Gambusia affinis. Bulletin, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, vol. 33, Document no. 806. Washington.