Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Megaripple Crossings up to Sol 710 in Gale Crater


Arvidson Raymond E.1,Iagnemma Karl D.2,Maimone Mark3,Fraeman Abigail A.4,Zhou Feng1,Heverly Matthew C.3,Bellutta Paolo3,Rubin David5,Stein Nathan T.1,Grotzinger John P.4,Vasavada Ashwin R.3


1. McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Washington University in St. Louis; St. Louis Missouri 63130

2. Robotic Mobility Group; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge Massachusetts 02139

3. California Institute of Technology/ Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Pasadena California 91011

4. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences; California Institute of Technology; Pasadena California 91125

5. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; University of California at Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz California 91125




Computer Science Applications,Control and Systems Engineering

Reference30 articles.

1. The Martian surface as imaged, sampled, and analyzed by the Viking Landers;Arvidson;Reviews of Geophysics,1989

2. Spirit Mars Rover Mission: Overview and selected results from the northern Home Plate Winter Haven to the side of Scamander Crater;Arvidson;Journal of Geophysical Research Planets,2010

3. Terrain physical properties derived from orbital data and the first 360 sols of Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Observations in Gale Crater;Arvidson;Journal of Geophysical Research Planets,2014

4. Mastcam multispectral imaging on the Mars Science Laboratory Rover: Wavelength coverage and imaging strategies at the Gale Crater site;Bell;Lunar Planet. Sci.,2012

5. Bickler , D. B. 1988







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