Differences in inhibitory control in two species of Tanganyikan bower‐building cichlids contrasting in building flexibility


Tomasek Maëlan123ORCID,Soller Katinka23,Dufour Valérie1ORCID,Jordan Alex23ORCID


1. LAboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et Cognitive UMR6024, CNRS, UCA Clermont‐Ferrand France

2. Behavioural Evolution Research Group Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour Konstanz Germany

3. University of Konstanz Konstanz Germany


AbstractA central challenge in understanding the evolution of cognition is the ability to compare a set of species differing in a trait of interest while being ecologically and phylogenetically close. Here, we examine whether differences in bower‐building flexibility are related to differences in cognitive flexibility between two Tanganyikan cichlids. Cognitive flexibility enables animals to modify their decision rules when faced with new situations, and inhibitory control, the ability to inhibit a normally favoured response, is an essential component of this capacity. We tested male Aulonocranus dewindti and Cyathopharynx furcifer in a choice‐against‐preference paradigm. Both species clean their bowers of foreign objects and we found that both preferred to remove a snail shell over a stone. We tested their ability to modify this preference and learned to preferably select the stone instead of the shell. Although neither species showed clear learning of the new preference rule, both demonstrated inhibitory control through increased decision times and manipulations of the objects when selecting the stone. Specifically, A. dewindti, the species exhibiting greater behavioural flexibility in the construction of their bowers, selected the stone in fewer trials than C. furcifer, providing support for a link between behavioural flexibility in bower construction and cognitive flexibility.










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