1. ESD Association ANSI/ESD STM 3.1-2006: For protection of electrostatic discharge susceptible items-ionization 2006
2. ESD Association ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007: Development of an electrostatic discharge control program for protection of electrical and electronic parts, assemblies and equipment 2007
3. ESD Association ESD TR 20 20-2008: Handbook for the development of an electrostatic discharge control program for the protection of electronic parts, assemblies and equipment 2008
4. ESD Association ANSI/ESD S5.3.1-2009: Electrostatic discharge sensitivity testing-charged device model (CDM)-component level 2009
5. ESD Association ANSI/ESD STM5.2-2009: Electrostatic discharge sensitivity testing-machine model 2009