Paysandisia archon: Behavior, Ecology, and Communication


Frérot Brigitte1,Hamidi Rachid1,Isidoro Nunzio2,Riolo Paola2,Ruschioni Sara2,Peri Ezio3,Romani Roberto4,Belušič Gregor5,Pirih Primož6


1. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris; Sensory Ecology Department (UMR 1392); Institut national de la recherche agronomique; INRA Versailles, France

2. Department of Agricultural; Food and Environmental Sciences; Marche Polytechnic University; Italy

3. Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences; University of Palermo; Italy

4. Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences; University of Perugia; Italy

5. Department of Biology; Biotechnical Faculty; University of Ljubljana; Slovenia

6. Graduate University for Advanced Sciences; Sokendai Kanagawa Japan


John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Reference62 articles.

1. Spectral organization of the eye of a butterfly, Papilio;Arikawa;Journal of Comparative Physiology A,2003

2. Courtship behavior of the oriental fruit moth (Grapholitha molesta): Experimental analysis and consideration of the role of sexual selection in the evolution of courtship pheromones in the Lepidoptera;Baker;Annals of the Entomological Society of America,1979

3. A cute and highly contrast-sensitive superposition eye: The diurnal owlfly Libelloides macaronius;Belušič;Journal of Experimental Biology,2013

4. Mating success of resident versus non-resident in a territorial butterfly;Bergman;Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Series B: Biological Sciences,2007

5. Insects groom their antennae to enhance olfactory acuity;Böröczky;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,2013







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