1. US Geological Survey (USGS) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; SO Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory; Turners Falls MA
2. USGS; Fort Collins CO
3. University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Amherst MA
4. Institute of Zoology; Zoological Society of London; London UK
5. USGS; Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center; Corvallis OR
6. US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS); Wildlife Health Office; Fort Collins CO
7. One Health Research Group; College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences; James Cook University; Townsville Australia
8. Department of Ecology; Evolution and Marine Biology; University of California-Santa Barbara; Santa Barbara CA
9. USFWS; Hadley MA
10. Department of Forestry; Wildlife and Fisheries; University of Tennessee; Knoxville TN
11. USGS - Ecosystems; Reston VA
12. Department of Biology; James Madison University; Harrisonburg VA
13. USGS; Aldo Leopold Wilderness Center; Bozeman MT
14. Department of Fish; Wildlife, and Conservation Biology; Colorado State University; Fort Collins CO
15. Department of Biology; University of Maryland; College Park MD
16. Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest; San Diego CA
17. Environmental Futures Research Institute and Griffith School of Environment; Brisbane Australia
18. Zoo Atlanta; Atlanta GA
19. School of Biology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta GA
20. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; Washington DC
21. US Forest Service; Pacific Northwest Research Station; Corvallis OR
22. US National Park Service (NPS); Biological Resources Division; Fort Collins CO
23. USGS; National Wildlife Health Center; Madison WI
24. Department of Pathobiological Sciences; School of Veterinary Medicine; University of Wisconsin Madison; Madison WI
25. KARCH (Centre Suisse de Coordination pour la Protection des Amphibiens et Reptiles de Suisse); Neuchatel Switzerland
26. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies; University of Zurich; Zurich Switzerland
27. Reptielen Amfibieën Vissen Onderzoek Nederland; Natuurplaza; Nijmegen Netherlands
28. NPS; Rocky Mountain National Park; Estes Park CO
29. University of Massachusetts Boston; Department of Biology; Boston MA