1. Anco D. Marshall M. Kirk K. R. Plumblee M. T. Smith N. Mickey S. Farmaha B. &Payero J.(2024).Peanut money‐maker 2024 production guide(Circular no. 588).Clemson University Cooperative Extension.https://clemsonblog.wpenginepowered.com/sccrops/files/2024/08/Production‐Guide‐2024‐web_.pdf
2. Response of peanut, corn, tobacco and soybean to Criconemella ornata;Barker K. R.;Journal of Nematology,1982
3. Berry R. E. &Coop L. B.(2000).Integrated pest management on peppermint‐IPMP3.0(Publication No. IPPC E.01‐01‐1). Oregon State University Department of Entomology and Integrated Plant Protection Center.https://mint.ippc.orst.edu/mint/ipmpdemo.htm
4. Compendium of the genus Criconemoides Taylor, 1936 (Nematoda: Criconematidae)
5. Compendium of the genus Mesocriconema Andrássy, 1965 (Nematoda: Criconematidae)