1. , and 1988. Effects of operation of Kerr and Hungry Horse dams on the reproductive success of kokanee in the Flathead system, Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Kalispell, MT, U.S.A., 56 pp.
2. and 1986. Quantification of Libby Reservoir levels needed to maintain or enhance reservoir fisheries. Report to Bonneville Power Administration, MDFWP, Kalispell, MT, 65 pp.
3. , , , and 1984. Lower Flathead River fisheries study, Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Pablo, MT, U.S.A., 177 pp.
4. and 1983. Impacts of water level fluctuations on kokanee reproduction in Flathead Lake, Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Kalispell, MT, U.S.A., 172 pp.
5. and 1984. Impacts of water level fluctuations on kokanee reproduction in Flathead Lake, Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Kalispell, MT, U.S.A., 58 pp.