1. Earth and Environmental Sciences Division Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos New Mexico USA
2. Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos New Mexico USA
AbstractAn integrated Equation of State (EOS) and strength/pore‐crush/damage model framework is provided for modeling near to source (near‐field) ground‐shock response, where large deformations and pressures necessitate coupling EOS with pressure‐dependent plastic yield and damage. Nonlinear pressure‐dependence of strength up to high‐pressures is combined with a Modified Cam‐Clay‐like cap‐plasticity model in a way to allow degradation of strength from pore‐crush damage, what we call the “Yp‐Cap” model. Nonlinear hardening under compaction allows modeling the crush‐out of pores in combination with a fully saturated EOS, that is, for modeling partially saturated ground‐shock response, where air‐filled voids crush. Attention is given to algorithmic clarity and efficiency of the provided model, and the model is employed in example numerical simulations, including finite element simulations of underground explosions to exemplify its robustness and utility.
U.S. Department of Energy
Los Alamos National Laboratory
National Nuclear Security Administration