Shortwave‐Infrared Line‐Scan Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging in Intact Organs


Lingg Jakob G. P.12345,Bischof Thomas S.23456,Arús Bernardo A.23456,Cosco Emily D.678,Sletten Ellen M.8,Rowlands Christopher J.9,Bruns Oliver T.23456,Chmyrov Andriy23456


1. School of Computation Information and Technology Technical University of Munich 85748 Garching Germany

2. Department of Functional Imaging in Surgical Oncology National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT/UCC) 01307 Dresden Germany

3. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) 69120 Heidelberg Germany

4. Medizinische Fakultät and University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Technische Universität Dresden 01307 Dresden Germany

5. Helmholtz‐Zentrum Dresden ‐ Rossendorf (HZDR) 01328 Dresden Germany

6. Helmholtz Pioneer Campus Helmholtz Munich 85764 Neuherberg Germany

7. Department of Pathology Stanford University Stanford CA 94305 USA

8. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California Los Angeles CA 90095 USA

9. Department of Bioengineering Imperial College London London SW7 2AZ UK


AbstractThe development of fluorophores with photoemission beyond 1000 nm provides the opportunity to develop novel fluorescence microscopes sensitive to those wavelengths. Imaging at wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum enables imaging depths of hundreds of microns in intact tissue, making this attractive for volumetric imaging applications. Here, a novel shortwave‐infrared line‐scan confocal microscope is presented that is capable of deep imaging of biological specimens, as demonstrated by visualization of labeled glomeruli in a fixed uncleared kidney at depths beyond 400 µm. Imaging of brain vasculature labeled with the near‐infrared organic dye indocyanine green, the shortwave‐infrared organic dye Chrom7, and rare earth‐doped nanoparticles is also shown, thus encompassing the entire spectrum detectable by a typical shortwave‐infrared sensitive InGaAs detector.


Joachim Herz Stiftung

National Science Foundation

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt, Helmholtz Zentrum München

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung




Condensed Matter Physics,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials







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