1. Laboratory of Botany and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Sciences of BizertaUniversity of Carthage Bizerta Tunisia
2. Silvo‐Pastoral Resources Laboratory, Silvo‐Pastoral Institute of TabarkaUniversity of Jendouba Tunisia
3. Department of Botany and Plant Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy of Monastir BP 207University of Monastir Tunisia
4. Research Unit 13ES63, Applied Chemistry and Environment, Monastir University, Faculty of Sciences of MonastirUniversity of Monastir Tunisia
5. Regional Centre of Research on Horticulture and Organic AgricultureUniversity of Sousse Sousse Tunisia
6. Transmissible Diseases and biologically active substances LR99ES27, Faculty of PharmacyUniversity of Monastir Monastir Tunisia
7. Department of PhytochemistryICMR‐National Institute of Traditional Medicine Karnataka India