1. All‐Russian Institute of Plant Protection St. Petersburg Pushkin, sh., 3 Podbelskogo 196608 Russia
2. Botanisk Analysgrupp Göteborg, Carl Skottbergs gata 22B 41319 Sweden
3. USDA‐ARS, Mycology & Nematology Genetic Diversity and Biology Lab Beltsville MD 20705 USA
4. Asbjørn Nyholt ApS Nyborg 5800 Denmark
5. The Turf Disease Centre Waverley Cottage Sherfield Road Bramley Hampshire RG26 5AG UK
6. Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) Ås 1433 Norway
7. Division of Environment and Natural Resources NIBIO Reddalsveien 215 Grimstad 4886 Norway