1. Richard Dimbleby Department of Cancer Research, Division of Cancer Studies, King's College London, Guy's Medical School Campus, NHH, SE1 1UL (UK), Fax: (+44) (0) 20 7848 6220, Fax: (+44) (0) 20 7848 8056
2. Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre, New Hunt's House, Guy's Medical School Campus, NHH, SE1 1UL (UK)
3. Randall Division of Cell & Molecular Biophysics, King's College London, Guy's Medical School Campus, NHH, SE1 1UL (UK)
4. Vichem Chemie Research Ltd. Herman Ottó utca 15, Budapest, Hungary and Pathobiochemistry Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Science, Semmelweis University, Budapest, 1444 Bp 8. POB 260 (Hungary)
5. Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology & Biology, University of Oxford, Old Road Campus Research Building, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7DQ (UK)
6. Department of Mathematics, King's College London, Strand Campus, London, WC2R 2LS (UK)