1. Vale Referrals Dursley UK
2. Department of Pathobiology and Population Sciences The Royal Veterinary College University of London Hatfield UK
AbstractAn 11‐year‐old, male, neutered American bulldog presented with a 3‐month history of intermittent vomiting and concurrent hyporexia. Abdominal ultrasonography identified concentric thickening of the tunica muscularis at the ileo–caeco–colic junction, which was confirmed with computed tomography. An exploratory coeliotomy was undertaken, where a solitary caecal mass was identified. An end‐to‐side enterocolostomy was performed and resected tissue submitted for histopathology. Histopathology was consistent with diffuse smooth muscle hyperplasia of the tunica muscularis. Two months later, the patient re‐presented with profuse watery diarrhoea. Low vitamin B12 was identified on biochemistry, and supplementation was commenced. In the following 3 months, no further clinical signs were reported.