1. B. N. Kondrikov, M. Summerfield, and T. Ohlemiller, Ignition and Gasification of a Double-Base Propellant Induced by CO2 Laser Radiation, Thirteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 23-29, 1970, Paper, No. 129.
2. B. N. Kondrikov, M. Summerfield, T. Ohlemiller, and L. Caveny, Ignition Criterion & Self-Heating of Propellant Subjected to Intense Radiative Heat Fluxes, The 1970 Technical Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, Nov. 5, 1970.
3. B. N. Kondrikov, T. Ohlemiller, and M. Summerfield, Ignition and Gasification of Double-Base Propellant Subjected to Radiation of CO2 Laser. Voprosy teorii vzryvchatykh vestchestv (Problems of theory of explosives), Proceedings of Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow, 1974, Vol. 83, pp. 67-78.
4. Radiative ignition of double-base propellants. I - Some formulation effects
5. Radiative ignition of double base propellants. II - Pre-ignition events and source effects