Treatment considerations for bluetongue virus serotype‐3 cases in sheep


Lovatt Fiona,Tarlinton Rachael,Groenevelt Margit


Background: Bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype‐3 (BTV‐3) has been circulating in the Netherlands since September 2023 and was first reported in Kent in the UK in November 2023, picked up via the annual bluetongue surveillance programme. It is a highly pathogenic strain in sheep with limited preventive measures once virus is circulating in the biting midge population. At the time of publication there is no BTV‐3 vaccine available and no cross‐protection from other BTV vaccine strains. There are no specific antiviral medicines available, and therapy focuses on nursing care and anti‐inflammatory medicines to reduce clinical signs, although early euthanasia decisions need to be considered on the grounds of animal welfare.Aim of the article: This article takes the experiences of vets from the Netherlands and describes what practitioners might be able to do to treat clinical cases of BTV‐3, with thanks to Schapendokter (2023) for sharing their practice protocols.



Reference26 articles.

1. AHDB(2024)AHDB webinar: bluetongue virus – insights from the Netherlands on the 2023 Accessed 22 April 2024

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