Equivalence of the Ellipticity Conditions for Geometric Variational Problems


De Rosa Antonio1,Kolasiński Sławomir2


1. Courant Institute, New York University New York NY 10012 USA

2. Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski ul. Banacha 2 02‐097 Warszawa Poland




Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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1. Boundary regularity for anisotropic minimal Lipschitz graphs;Communications in Partial Differential Equations;2023-12-20

2. The anisotropic min‐max theory: Existence of anisotropic minimal and CMC surfaces;Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics;2023-12

3. Compact anisotropic stable hypersurfaces with free boundary in convex solid cones;Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations;2023-07

4. Regularity for graphs with bounded anisotropic mean curvature;Inventiones mathematicae;2022-06-25

5. Regularity of almost-minimizers of Hölder-coefficient surface energies;Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems;2022








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