1. Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Center AmsterdamAmsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands
2. Department of Research & DevelopmentNetherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL) Utrecht The Netherlands
3. Department of SurgeryRadboud University Medical Center Nijmegen The Netherlands
4. Department of Medical OncologyLeiden University Medical Center Leiden The Netherlands
5. Department of Medical OncologyUniversity Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands
6. Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Internal MedicineGROW ‐ School for Oncology and Developmental Biology Maastricht UMC+ Maastricht The Netherlands
7. Department of Medical OncologyElisabeth‐TweeSteden Hospital Tilburg The Netherlands
8. Department of Medical OncologyRijnstate Hospital Arnhem The Netherlands
9. Department of Medical OncologyCatharina Hospital Eindhoven The Netherlands